The Stripenator v1

High-throughput evaluation of protein migration and localization

The Stripenator is a high-throughput evaluation software for protein migration and localization upon laser micro-irradiation.


New tool: Stripenator v1 !


Please follow us on ResearchGate for latest news and patch notes!

Citing the Stripenator!

Dear user of the Stripenator,
We are pleased that the Stripenator has awaken your interest and is now used by many groups around the world. We would be very grateful if you could cite us in return:

Oeck et al. (2019) High-throughput Evaluation of Protein Migration and Localization after Laser Micro-Irradiation. Scientific Reports 9:3148. PMID: 30816253

Using the Stripenator!

The Stripenator v1 is based on an ImageJ macro. To provide easy, user friendly image handling, we use the Bio-Formats ImageJ plugin to guarantee, that most of the different image types will run. You can download the latest version of the Stripenator (v1-0) here page. Please follow our step-by-step manual to install and launch the Stripenator.